At The Whole Bride, we understand that every couple dreams of capturing the essence of their love in timeless wedding photos. To make those moments truly unforgettable, we've curated a list of simple yet stunning additions that your photographer will not only love but will also make your wedding photos pop with charisma and fun!

1. Confetti Magic

Capture the joy of the moment with confetti! Opt for biodegradable options in your wedding colours for a sustainable touch. The burst of confetti adds a dynamic element to your photos, creating a whimsical atmosphere. Whether it's the joyous exit or a confetti-filled first dance, your photographer will appreciate the vibrancy and energy these colourful pieces bring to the frame.

"Confetti adds the perfect dreamy look to those first newly married moments walking down the aisle. The white confetti's a personal favourite, the classic white always looks good in every shot, no matter the background! A little tip - throw the confetti up just before the couple walk past you and not at the them! This way, the confetti will have enough time to fall down perfectly, for us photographers to capture the perfect confetti exit aisle shot! "

- Loren Wallwork Our Heritage & Co

2. Sparklers Sparking Joy

Illuminate your love story with sparklers. These enchanting additions are not only visually stunning but create a magical ambiance. Consider a sparkler exit or a sparkler-lit dance floor for truly captivating photographs. The soft glow will add a touch of romance to your pictures, making them look straight out of a fairy tale.

"For night time wedding reception photography, sparklers add a dynamic flair and creativity to your photos. Especially during the couple’s first dance, or tunnel exit, where the light playfully interacts with the movement, creating lively and fun, memorable photos."

- Shelly Micke | Ivy Road Photography

Photography @ivyroadphotography

3. Vow Cards: Creating Stunning Moments 

Make your vows an artful expression with our elegant vow cards. Beyond the spoken words, these cards become a tangible keepsake of your promises, creating stunning moments for your wedding photographer to capture. As you exchange these carefully penned vows, the emotion and connection are frozen in time, creating visuals that tell a story as timeless as your love. Let your words take centre stage, beautifully preserved on vow cards, adding an extra layer of romance to your wedding album.

Photographer @milkhoneycreative
Photographer @pearcebrennanweddings

4. Heart Sunglasses: A Fun Focal Point

Add some playfulness into your photos with our heart-shaped sunglasses. These fabulous accessories are not only a fun way to celebrate with your bridal party but also makes for fantastic photo props. Your photographer will love capturing the laughter and joy these quirky sunglasses bring to your pictures. Plus, they make for delightful wedding gifts for your guests!

Photographer @abouttimeco

5. Getting Ready Robes & Hand Written Cards: Elegant and Personal

Before the big reveal, consider donning matching getting ready robes with your bridal party along with hand written cards to your tribe. Our robes not only make for elegant pre-wedding photos but also add a cohesive and visually pleasing element to your album. Your photographer will appreciate the timeless and intimate moments they can capture as you and your entourage prepare for the day. At The Whole Bride we also have a special ‘To My Almost Husband’ card that you can gift your soon-to-be husband in the morning of your wedding day. Adding that really special element for your wedding. 

Photographer @pearcebrennanweddings

These additions aren't just about aesthetics; they're about capturing the spirit of your celebration. Incorporating these simple additions will not only enhance the visual appeal of your wedding photos but also make the entire photography process more enjoyable for your photographer. From the lively confetti to the romantic glow of sparklers and the charming details of heart-shaped sunglasses and getting ready robes, these elements will turn your wedding album into a work of art. Remember, it's the little things that often leave the biggest impressions.
